Haloooooo, oh ye sisters of the long haul,
It's time to switch gears. I know, you were about sugared out. So here we go. Shift to:
We will be working on beans for the next 8 weeks, not that we all will probably have all the beans in that we need by then, but we can always come back to it. And for point of clarification, these are not canned beans. These are your dry beans that have a shelf live of 30+ years.
If you go to (and I really encourage you all to do so) the Church's website at providentliving.org, you will see that the Church recommends 5 lbs. of beans/person/month. So your first task (or tell your kid's that it is their first task) is to do the math.
5 (pounds) x (# of people in your family) x 12 (months in a year). So what did you get? That is your goal!!!!
The following is optional:
The next math problem is to figure out how much that is going to cost you (the average price per 25 pounds of beans out at the Home Storage Center is about $17.25), and the 3rd problem is to figure out how many weeks (at $5/week/every 2 people in the family) you are going to need to hit your goal.
Of course, for those of you that have partial supplies of beans, you'll have to factor that in as well.
I noticed my 3rd grade grandson is working on just these kind of 3/4 step math problems, so maybe I'll go get him to help me. If anyone needs a loaner grandson calculator, let me know - he might hire out.
So this week either spend your $5/every 2 people in your family on beans or tuck away that $5 in an envelope marked "Beans" and keep it in a safe place until you are ready to buy beans.
I will be going to the HSC on Tuesday March 27 to purchase some beans for Mark and me, You are invited to come along. It's always a fun trip. Just let me know who is interested and we can car pool! (We could even stop at Sonic for a treat afterwards. Maybe I'll take my grandson. He likes the mini banana splits, if they still have them.)
It's "bean" real,