Monday, March 19, 2012

Week 12 - Provident Pantry

Good morning,

Ahhh...the joys of fruit!!!  This week we will continue on putting away the fruit we need for our 3 month plan.  Again, consult your ingredients lists.  As much as we would like fresh fruit, most of us don't have the cold cellars some of our ancestors had, that could keep the apples good for a number of months.  So make any adjustments you need in your plan to get the 3 months supply of fruit, be it canned, or dried (or if you have a large freezer - frozen).

I'm putting in canned peaches this week.  What is your choice?

Keep remembering to put your stickers with expiration dates on them on your products when you get them home from the grocers, and when you are organizing them in your storage spot be sure to put the ones that need to used first up front.

And I imagine you are all in the rotating business now for the items we have added earlier.  Keep training your family to help you with this.  I only have one to train, so I realize my task may be a little easier, but here is an example from our family.

When Mark takes a box of cold cereal out of the storage place under the bed, he goes and writes on the grocery list they we need cold cereal with and "S" behind it, to remind us both that this goes into storage.  Then when we get back from the grocery store, he is really good about getting our stickers out, putting it on the top of the cereal box right by the expiration date and circling the expiration date, and then taking it into the bedroom, pulling out the box we keep the cereal in, checking the expiration date with the others, and putting it in the order it belongs.

Remember to keep it fun.  Families like fun!

May your efforts bring forth delicious fruit this week!

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