Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 14 - 72 Crew

Here we are, the 14th week of our project and the 2nd week of working on bedding.  At $5/week/every 2 people in your family, we going to be working on this a few weeks.  So please drop me a quick "Done" email as soon as you have your bedding completed.  Anyone find any good deals this week, or want to send along a quick photo of your nifty sleeping bag? 

For those of you that have your sleeping bags in place, let's toss out another optional item you can purchase and add this week:  a sewing kit.  These are the little (about 1" x 2" x 3") kits you can often find in the same section as you find your travel size bottles of shampoo and the like.  You never know when a needle and a little thread will come in handy.

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