Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 14 - Provident Pantry is your fruit coming?  My grandkids were delighted this weekend when they came over to find that I now have a supply of Tang.  Aw, the simple joys of life.

So let's take a break from fruit (we can always come back) and go on down your ingredients lists.

This week and for the next 2 weeks, let's work on PB&Js, i.e. the ingredients for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  You may have put in peanut butter when we were working on nuts.  You may have put in jelly/jam while we have been working on fruit.  If not pick one, and put it in now.  If so, work on the ingredients for bread. 

Some of you may have the large freezers and can simply pop in loaves of bread.  Others of us need to start down the list of our favorite bread recipe.  How much have you indicated on your ingredients' list will you need of flour?  of salt?  of yeast? etc.

Even though all of you do not have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on your menus, it looks like most of you have the same ingredients although you may be using them for different things, and who knows, in a bind, a PB&J might just hit the spot.


PS  My dogs think a little peanut butter is a magnificent treat, so you might stick a little extra in for the dogs in your family;-)

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