Monday, April 16, 2012

Week 16 - Provident Pantry


This week we are still making bread - or more accurately, we are storing the ingredients for the bread we will be needing/making in our 3 month supply. 

I see on your ingredients' lists that some of you have tortillas or frozen roll dough.  If these are ready made and you have freezer space, simply purchase, store, and you are done.  For those of us who have limited freezer space and will need to make bread from scratch, let's make sure we have the ingredients to do so.

So this week let's focus on yeast and sugar and shortening and salt.  

Yeast is probably just for your bread, but the other ingredients may be used in other of your menu items. 

If you have or are also working on your long term storage with us, you already have your sugar and salt, so this week's task is even easier - it is just the yeast and shortening.

Of course, I have not seen your bread recipes, so if you have other items in those recipes, please include those as well this week.

The goal this week is:  We now have our bread requirement for 3 months stored away. 

This is big sisters.  When you complete this, give yourselves a pat on the back.  And you can even serve PB&Js to celebrate with the family:-)!


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