Monday, April 23, 2012

Week 17 - 72 Crew

So how is your bedding coming?  Have you identified the sleeping bags you want and have you either purchased them or have you been putting away your $5/wk/every 2 people in your family so that you can purchase them next week?  We will allot this week and next week to getting this very important part of your 72 hour kit in order.

The optional item this week is a whistle.  I think the only two criteria is that it works and it is loud.  It is one of those things you may never use, or it may become very important in locating yourself to others or to finding someone else in a crisis situation.

Or maybe you will just "whistle while you work" ;-) (It is possible that I am spending too much time on the internet watching old Once Upon a Time episodes.)

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